Edwin Jaynes: some refs
The major thesis-Randomness is all in the mind. Epistemological interpretations of probability. Bayesian objectivist and sometimes subjectivist (a la de Finetti and Ramsey). Big believer in Jeffreys and the use of his objectivist priors or maxent methods for fixing (maximally uninformative) priors.
The book:
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science: Principles and Elementary Applications Vol 1 [Hardcover] (only volume 1 available)
The entire book as PDF:
The website:
http://bayes.wustl.edu/ (worth a look, links to all).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Thompson_Jaynes Real strident fellow. Think he may have been a Republican? Or maybe it was just the fashion of the times!
Jaynes’ attack on Copenhagen Interpretation
Refs on Interpretations of Quantum
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretation_of_quantum_mechanics (table pasted below)
Note that many interpretations including the now popular many worlds interpretation do not require a belief in physical randomness and instead are fully deterministic.
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